Everything about it’s functionality is top notch for the cost.
Its system wide PEQ is worth its weight in gold.
My only complaint is a preventable one. The screen is insanely prone to scuffs and scratches. It may as well be plastic.
I should’ve used the provided screen protector. LESSON LEARNED.
I will be ordering a 2nd unit and gifting this one to my 12 year old daughter who rocks the Dunu SA6.
As always, ordering from here is a breeze and customer service is the best in the business.
I am a very happy and loyal customer.
As an enthusiastic Elysian Pilgrim Noir fan, I was anxious to get my hands on the Apostle, especially after reading a couple of early 5-star reviews, so I did a blind buy to get the early bird discount and I have not been disappointed. As the Noir, IMO, is one of the best neutral sounding IEMs available under a kilobuck, the Apostle adds a bit of everything to that for its higher price: deeper & more impactful bass, better imaging & layering, a great soundstage, a bit better tonal accuracy and clarity from lows to highs, with a fabulous midrange & vocals, and plenty of “twinklies and sparklies” in the treble without any sibilance or fatigue. It’s probably my favorite all-rounder, and a top “desert island” pick for the long term. My only critical comment is about the chin slider, which is so loose as to be useless - a pretty small nit to pick but frustrating on a $2000 IEM nonetheless.
I’ve been chasing detail for a long time — and finally, I found it. The Empire Ears Odin is where musicality and detail meet perfectly for my taste. The layering and soundstage are breathtaking; the bass is powerful yet controlled, the mids are rich and natural, and the treble sparkles without harshness. It feels like rediscovering my entire music library. It's truly a flagship IEM worth every penny! And the MucisTeck team is very proactive during the ordering process. Kudos to them!
The more time you spend listening to it the better it gets! This set does not disappoint. Warm sounds with a bass boost. Sub bass shines but does not muddy mids and highs. Everything sounds great and I can definitely say this is an all arounder !!